
Wednesday 10 June 2020

My Narrative Writing.

One night there were 4 girls. They were very very close. Their names were Lina , Jenna , Tiara and Brianna. They decided to go on a girls trip to Hawaii. The girls packed their bags and were on their way to the airport to go to Hawaii. All the girls were very excited because they haven’t seen each other in such a longggg time because they were in quarantine (lockdown). Once the girls were on their way to Hawaii once they landed in a city called Lanai city . They were all excited and they went to go find a hotel near a beach in Honolulu. 

So they all sat down near a bus stop and started searching for hotels. Lina found the perfect one. It had a 2 bedroom view and a beach surrounded by palm trees. Tiara called a taxi to pick them up and drop them off at their location. It was a long ride because they were in another city which was Lanai city in Hawaii even though it was long they still enjoyed it because they got to see some beautiful and cool views.

Once they arrived at their location Brianna said “Hey look at that” And they all turned around and looked at the hotel and Brianna said “No the other side” the girls were shocked because they didn’t see the forest in the picture and they didn’t know there was gonna be a forest near their hotel. So Jenna said “lets just take our luggage into our hotel room and we can go into the forest and explore and see what's in there. The girls agreed and they went to put their luggage away and they all got dressed up in overalls just in case it gets cold or rainy in there. 

When they walked around in the forest Jenna found a hidden rollercoaster she called out to the girls and the girls came running to her thinking she was stuck or in trouble. She showed the hidden rollercoaster to the girls and the girls were shocked!! They wanted to ride it and they all hopped in without knowing how to control it. Just as they all hopped in, Lina banged into something and the rollercoaster started moving. They were all screaming and shouting because they didn’t know how to control the rollercoaster. They all  started crying and they were all trying to calm down  but they were too scared.  So Lina told the girls to calm down and they all breathed heavily then Lina said just calm down and look around to see if there's anything here like a lever or a button or something we can push or pull. The girls were trying to search around in the rollercoaster but they couldn’t find anything. Tiara was complaining saying how uncomfortable her seat is and Brianna said “well it is old and rusty so it is what it is” And Lina said to Tiara to get up but Tiara was so scared that she might fall out. Lina pulled her off the chair and held her and Jenna looked under TIaras seat and found a button and Lina told her to push it before they crashed into the tree and as she pushed it the roller coaster was slowly stopping  just as they were about to crash. 

They all ran out of the rollercoaster and ran back to their hotel room and stayed there till the next day they all woke up and said to themselves “what happened?” and  they all just walked out to go shopping without remembering anything and as they walked off they never noticed the forest nearby……. To be continued…………...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lata!
    What an outstanding interesting post about the writing narrative.I like how you writern it and used detailed it. Keep up the good job!
    - Lilly
